- Supervisor is responsabile to the whole fellowship program of the trainee
- Trainer could be signed to a specified domain in sexual medicine
- Assigned Supervisor cound be also trainer in specified domain
Educational supervision is a fundamental conduit for delivering teaching and training. It takes advantage of the experience, knowledge and skills of expert clinicians / consultant trainers and their familiarity with clinical situations. It ensures interaction between an experienced clinician and a trainee. This is the desired link between the past and the future of sexual medicine practice, to guide and steer the learning process of the trainee.
Clinical supervision is also vital to ensure patient safety and the high quality service of trainees. The curriculum requires trainees reaching the end of their training to demonstrate competence in clinical supervision before the award of the FECSM. The example set by the educational supervisor is the most powerful influence upon the standards of conduct and practice of a trainee.
The Assigned Educational Supervisor (AES) is responsible for between 1 and 4 trainees at any time.
The role of the Assigned Educational Supervisor is to:
- Have overall educational and supervisory responsibility for the trainee in a given placement;
- Ensure that an induction to the unit (where appropriate) has been carried out;
- Ensure that the trainee is familiar with the curriculum and assessment system relevant to the level/stage of training and undertakes it according to requirements;
- Ensure that the trainee has appropriate available supervision appropriate to their stage of training;
- Act as a mentor to the trainee and help with both professional and personal development;
- Agree a learning agreement, setting, agreeing, recording and monitoring the content and educational objectives of the placement;
- Discuss the trainee’s progress with each trainer with whom a trainee spends a period of training and involve them in the formal report to the annual review process;
- Undertake regular formative/supportive appraisals with the trainee (typically one at the beginning, middle and end of a placement) and ensure that both parties agree to the outcome of these sessions and keep a written record;
- Regularly inspect the trainee’s learning portfolio and ensure that the trainee is making the necessary clinical and educational progress;
- Ensure patient safety in relation to trainee performance by the early recognition and management of those doctors in distress or difficulty.
- Inform trainees of their progress and encourage trainees to discuss any deficiencies in the training programme, ensuring that records of such discussions are kept;
- Keep the Programme Director informed of any significant problems that may affect the trainee’s training;
- Provide an end of placement Assigned Educational Supervisor (AES) report.
- supervision needs to be in person/skype at least 3/4 times a year for case discussion (at least 4 cases to be discussed).
In order to become an Assigned Educational Supervisor, a trainer must have a demonstrated the following criteria:
- an interest and ability in teaching, training, assessing and appraising.
- must have appropriate access to teaching resources and time for training allocated to their job plan.
- must have undertaken training in a relevant Training the Trainers programme offered by an appropriate educational institution and must keep up-to-date with developments in training.
- must have access to the support and advice of their senior colleagues regarding any issues related to teaching and training and
- must keep up-to-date with their own professional development.
- must have education and large experience in a domain of sexual medicine
- should be member of sexual medicine scientific society
- recognized as FECSM